
Sweet Sampler Bordered by Ribbon, Signed E W
  • Here is a sweet little sampler sewn to a green ribbon (actually it used to be green but has faded to greenish-yellow) that frames the sampler. The sampler is worked with either silk or cotton thread on loosely woven linen. The thread colors are predominantly red (faded to pinkish-red), greens and tans. It has an interesting double floral border, a flowering tree in the center, two baskets or urns filled with flowers and is signed “E W.” It has been housed in a painted green frame that is perfect for the sampler. The frame appears to be new with a sanded green paint finish. I was told the frame is antique, but, if so, it has been sanded front and back and resized. The frame corners are held together with those wavy staples that framers use these days. It’s a nice frame and very appropriate for the sampler. Plus, it keeps the price down. Framed size 12 ¾” x 10 ¾”

    #6703     $495