Contemporary Silhouettes by Cindi
Offering the best of contemporary silhouette cutting.
I'd like to introduce you to my friend and silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose. Cindi began cutting silhouettes when she was 16 years old. She is a co-founder of the Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation 501 (c) (3) for which she creates custom "Silhouettes For Survivors," which are available for purchase. All Silhouette proceeds are dedicated to helping uninsured breast cancer survivors receive free reconstructive surgery. The Foundation was created in memory and honor of Holly Harwood Skolkin, Cindi's sister also a 20th and 21st century silhouette artist and humanitarian. Holly survived with Stage 4 breast cancer for 15 years. The Foundation was started during Holly's life and it continues in her honor. The Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation offers also offer wigs, support, permanent brows to those in chemo who lost their brows, and free reconstructive surgery to under and un-insured. Cindi Harwood Rose is acclaimed by the Guild of Papercutters as the premier silhouette artist of the last four decades. Cindi uses French silhouette paper that is more than 50 years old and no longer made.