Just for Fun
History of Silhouette
A brief history of silhouettes and referrals to my favorite reference materials. -
Silhouettist Biographies
Short biographies of my favorite silhouette artists. -
Folk Portrait Artists
Information about some of my favorite portraitists. -
Stewardship of Antiques
Why Collect Likenesses?
Scherenschnitte, The Art of Papercutting
Guest article by Susan S. Hahn -
Theorem Painting in America
One of my favorite School Girl Arts Brought to Life. -
Tokens of Love & Friendship
Fun stuff 19th century love and friendship tokens. -
Antique and Vintage Purses
Guest article by Paula Higgins & Lori Blaser - Co-Authors of A Passion for Purses 1600-2005 -
Valuation Considerations of Antique Artwork
Hiding In Plain Sight
Guest article by Susan Anderson
Seeking t Dickinson Family Silhouettees -
Early Mourning Rituals
Guest article by Rikki Springsteed
The art of mourning from the 14th century to the early 20th century. Includes jewelry, gravestones, painting & needlework, & lithography. -
History of Christening or Birth Pillows
Interesting facts about 18th & 19th century pin-decorated Christening or Birth Announcement Pillows. -
History of Hooked Rugs
A brief history of rug hooking in America. -
History of Footstools
Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about antique footstools or, as they were known in the period