First, this description is by Peggy, so don’t think Randy is talking about heaviness and buxomness at all. I (Peggy) loved this portrait miniature right away. Don’t get me wrong, I love the portraits of thin women who fit in the 19th century styles perfectly. I love them! But this woman looks like two-thirds of adult women—she’s a bit heavy but she is obviously stylish with her puffed and stuffed sleeves, topped with mancherons (the pleated detail at the top of the sleeves). She also seems to be one of the first group of ladies to wear the v-pointed bodice which accentuates both the bust and the waist. And accentuate it does as one of the first things we see is her bosom. Not in a risqué or ugly way. Although her neckline is low, she does where a translucent tucker to cover her décolleté. And her face is so very pleasant with her dark brown eyes set against her pale complexion. She has a bit of a Mona Lisa smile, don’t you think? I love how the ringlets of her dark brunette hair frame her face. She wears a lovely pair of long drop gold earrings, a brooch that we can’t quite make out and a pocket watch or portrait miniature at the end of a long gold chain. The chain attaches the watch/mini at her waist—and the off-center placement seems to let her long chain drape her bosom marvelously! She resides in a period carved wood frame that measures 3 1/2" x 4". Sight is 2 3/8" x 2 7/8". Circa 1835.
#7290 $1450