Here is the big brother to the little brown box I’m offering separately. This one is somewhat larger leather traveling case with brass tack decoration. The inside is like with wallpaper that has seldom seen the light of day so is still vibrant. The leather on this trunk is dark, almost black leather with brass tack decoration. The leather handle broken on one side where it meets the top of the box. The leather wrap around top edge of the lid has mostly pulled away and is brittle with some losses. The trunk has tin wraps around edges of body to protect leather. It has an iron lock and escutcheon. The iron top part of the lock has been removed (probably to open locked box). One brass tack is replaced with 20th century, 1 broken off and another is missing. The brass hinges appear original. The thin leather strap that holds catches the top when opened so it doesn’t open too far is broken. There is a collection number on a thin tin strip tacked to inside corner. This trunk measures 16 x 9 deep x 6 tall. The best surprise is the wallpaper lining which is handblocked bright teal and rose and white wallpaper as might be found on a scenic wallpaper, circa 1830s.
#5936 $475
Provenance: Longtime Texas Collection